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 | From the Editor's Desk
How to Unlock More Productive Conversations with Two Key Skills - Edmond Lau I blinked away the tears. Team morale was crumbling. Co-workers, many I considered friends, were leaving the company. I was at a meeting with senior leaders, and I had just expressed concern that the way the company ran projects might be hurting the team -- a team that I cared so much about and where I had invested years of my life. I had expected the leadership team to support me and say, "Yes! Edmond, you're right! We need to address this." But instead, they challenged my diagnosis and my ideas with cold questions. "Where's your data?" "How do you know what you're saying is true?" "Why are you doing this?" In hindsight, they were probably just doing their due diligence - these were the same types of questions that I might ask if I were engineering a solution to a technical problem. But this wasn't a technical problem. And in the moment, their line of questioning put me on the defensive. I felt attacked and misunderstood - that despite my years of dedication, they still mistrusted my motives.
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