Blog  Sree Vijaykumar | From the Editor's Desk When Hillary Clinton told her audience at a rally in Las Vegas on Thursday "Here's what I believe," she punctuated those words with not just a vocal flourish but a physical one. Up went her hand, placed over her heart. Michelle Obama put her hand on her heart multiple times when she mentioned her daughters. Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim United States soldier killed in combat, did the same when the crowd applauded his son's sacrifice. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada may have inspired the trend: He put his hand to his heart so humbly and so often before cheering audiences during his campaign last year, it became almost a trademark. The gesture is more common as a greeting or a sign of respect in parts of Asia and the Middle East, so it's possible Mrs. Clinton picked it up while traveling as secretary of state. More here
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