| From the Editor's Desk
The secret to being witty, revealed Have you ever thought of the perfect quip or comeback after it didn't matter - a minute, hour, or day after your conversation has ended? Well, there's a name for that phenomenon. It's called l'esprit de l'escalier, or the spirit of the staircase, and refers to the perfect retort that arises at the wrong time. Still, you're not doomed to sit by as clever companions exchange sharp banter. You can practice being wittier, improving your reaction times and ability to land a jab or joke at just the right moment. In his new book, Wit's End: What Wit Is, How It Works, and Why We Need It, released on Nov. 13, author, editor, and journalist James Geary of Harvard University's Nieman Foundation argues that wit isn't just for a few gifted linguists.
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