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 | From the Editor's Desk
Resonance: How to Open Doors For Other People It's only polite.
Hold the door open for others, and they will open doors for you.
We biologically need to connect: limbic resonance is a term used by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon in their book A General Theory of Love, to express the ability to share deep emotional states. The limbic lobe of the brain is what make a mammalian brain what it is. Without it, a mammal would be reduced to a reptilian brain with the similarly cold, unblinking attitude of a snake or lizard. This is why reptiles are often felt to be scary - unreachable and heartless. They do not care for even their own young.
Resonance is not only a mammalian ability but an outright necessity. Our infants will die if not provided with the warmth of connection with another being, despite being provided with all their physiological needs: shelter, food, and water. This has been illustrated in somewhat inhumane 13th-century human ‘experiments’ by Frederick the Great depriving babies of human connection and more recently by Harry Harlow in rhesus monkeys. Baby monkeys choose to spend 17 hours a day with a soft, cloth mother that does not provide food compared to only one hour a day with a wire mother that actually provides milk. Connection is a far superior sustenance.
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