Friday, May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019 - Bangladesh is handling the Chinese smartphone onslaught way better than India

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TradeBriefs Editorial

From the Editor's Desk

How to get startup ideas?

The way to get startup ideas is not to try to think of startup ideas. It's to look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself.

The very best startup ideas tend to have three things in common: they're something the founders themselves want, that they themselves can build, and that few others realize are worth doing. Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, Google, and Facebook all began this way.


Why is it so important to work on a problem you have? Among other things, it ensures the problem really exists. It sounds obvious to say you should only work on problems that exist. And yet by far the most common mistake startups make is to solve problems no one has.

Continued here

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Modi inherits a troubled economy—all credit goes to him
Modi inherits a troubled economy—all credit goes to him
Modi 1.0 didn't address structural constraints in the manufacturing and rural sectors.


Trump (briefly) admits Russia helped him win the 2016 election
Trump (briefly) admits Russia helped him win the 2016 election
"I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected," the president said on Twitter, reversing a long-held denial.

JP Morgan to pay historic settlement in paternity leave case
JP Morgan to pay historic settlement in paternity leave case
The Wall Street bank will pay $5m to settle a paternity case which lawyers say is the first of its kind.

5G: Finally, it's here in the UK
5G: Finally, it's here in the UK
A brief guide to what 5G offers today and how it should improve over the years to come.

Can Sports Help Kids Overcome Their Childhood Trauma?
Can Sports Help Kids Overcome Their Childhood Trauma?
New research shows reduced rates of depression and anxiety in adults who as children suffered adverse childhood experiences but also played sports.

Chevron to become second firm to pull out of North Sea exploration
Chevron to become second firm to pull out of North Sea exploration
Chevron's $2bn deal with Ithaca Energy follows ConocoPhillips pulling out of UK exploration and production last month.

Boeing admits it 'fell short' on safety alert for 737
Boeing admits it 'fell short' on safety alert for 737
Boss Dennis Muilenburg says the US aircraft maker is now fixing the problems.

Uber posts $1bn loss weeks after stock market listing
Uber posts $1bn loss weeks after stock market listing
The taxi company's first set of figures since going public come after its share price slumped.

Google and Apple criticise GCHQ eavesdropping idea
Google and Apple criticise GCHQ eavesdropping idea
The tech giants are among 47 organisations to hit out at a plan to look at encrypted messages.

The Diamond Empowerment Fund Honors Industry Actors Giving Back To Diamond Communities
The Diamond Empowerment Fund Honors Industry Actors Giving Back To Diamond Communities
The Diamond Empowerment Fund will tonight honor industry bodies for their work with diamond communities. ALROSA CEO Sergey Ivanov will accept the Diamonds Do Good Community Stewardship Award, the Luxury Jewelers Resource Group's Michael Pollak takes the Diamonds Do Good Community Building Award.


Everyone's winning the US-China trade war except the US and China
Everyone's winning the US-China trade war except the US and China
With tariffs on Chinese goods, multinational companies have found new markets for outsourcing

South Asian honour culture hounds India and Pakistan's LGBTQ community
South Asian honour culture hounds India and Pakistan's LGBTQ community
Support for anti-gay violence is surprisingly high.

100th Anniversary Of The Solar Eclipse That Proved Einstein's General Relativity
100th Anniversary Of The Solar Eclipse That Proved Einstein's General Relativity
Science and exploration have often gone together – Darwin and the Beagle, Cherry-Garrard's "worst journey in the world", the expeditions to the North and South Poles. 100 years ago today, an expedition to view a total solar eclipse ushered in the era of modern physics and made Einstein a celebrity.

For brands of all shapes and sizes, influencer marketing is a serious bet
For brands of all shapes and sizes, influencer marketing is a serious bet
Influencer marketing extends far beyond the domain of hip, young, Insta-friendly brands.

Meet the people trying to show Indians that museums are for more than school trips
Meet the people trying to show Indians that museums are for more than school trips
Trying to inject some energy into India's dull and dreary museums.


Can the Indian Air Force solve aviation companies' pilot crunch?
Can the Indian Air Force solve aviation companies' pilot crunch?
Transitioning from defence to civil aviation is a pretty simple process.

Hackers target BJP website, embed beef recipes during Modi's swearing-in
Hackers target BJP website, embed beef recipes during Modi's swearing-in
The ruling party's Delhi website was compromised.

Karmadharaya, thymele, and tjaele: Words from the Spelling Bee's 8-way-tie finish
Karmadharaya, thymele, and tjaele: Words from the Spelling Bee's 8-way-tie finish
"We do have plenty of words remaining on our list, but we'll soon run out of words that can possibly challenge you."

The lives of Tiananmen's most wanted, 30 years on
The lives of Tiananmen's most wanted, 30 years on
After the Chinese military opened fire on protesters on June 4, 1989 in Beijing, 21 student leaders were placed on a most-wanted list. Most now live in the US.

Legalising cannabis could be one solution to India's agrarian distress
Legalising cannabis could be one solution to India's agrarian distress
Until the 1980s, ganja, charas, and bhang used to be freely available in the country.


Drug traffickers' favorite way to move fentanyl is FedEx and USPS
Drug traffickers' favorite way to move fentanyl is FedEx and USPS
Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin, and because a little goes a long way, shipments of the drug are usually made in small quantities, making them difficult to spot.

Authenticity is the biggest challenge of the influencer world
Authenticity is the biggest challenge of the influencer world
"Authenticity" is what influencers are supposed to lend the brands they promote. It's also their biggest challenge.

A hate crime against an Indian-American unites Silicon Valley's Sunnyvale
A hate crime against an Indian-American unites Silicon Valley's Sunnyvale
The attacker had mistook the victim for a Muslim.

Uber's earnings are confusing by design
Uber's earnings are confusing by design
You need a glossary to even begin to understand what Uber is saying.

Beautiful photos of sadness and longing
Beautiful photos of sadness and longing
More than 50 years after the publication of Dave Heath's A Dialogue with Solitude, Michael-Oliver Harding takes a look at the trailblazer's stunning street photography.

Our bodies are full of electricity that could help us fight cancer
Our bodies are full of electricity that could help us fight cancer
Bite your cheek hard and then put your tongue on it. You'll feel a tingle. That's you sensing the voltage.

A whole ecosystem of companies influences the influencers
A whole ecosystem of companies influences the influencers
Intermediary businesses often decide who gets afforded and denied certain opportunities.

These are the organs transplant patients need the most
These are the organs transplant patients need the most
Although transplants save thousands of lives annually, there are far more patients than organs available.

Japan finally passed laws to prevent "pawa hara," or workplace bullying
Japan finally passed laws to prevent
"Pawa hara" is a major problem in Japan, where hierarchies are strictly adhered to and the relationship between superiors and subordinates is seen as inviolable.

"Race science" is on the rise in academia and being used to justify racism in broader society

Race and racism are still deeply embedded in science and must be exorcised

Read Robert Mueller's full statement about Russian interference
Read Robert Mueller's full statement about Russian interference
"If we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that."

Here's a prediction: In the future, predictions will only get worse
Here's a prediction: In the future, predictions will only get worse
Can the past tell us anything about what's to come?

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