Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Editor's Picks - Why do we hurt robots, A tiny screw reveals why iphones can't be manufactured in the USA & more..

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TradeBriefs Editorial Why do we hurt Robots?
A hitchhiking robot was beheaded in Philadelphia. A security robot was punched to the ground in Silicon Valley. Another security bot, in San Francisco, was covered in a tarp and smeared with barbecue sauce.
Why do people lash out at robots, particularly those that are built to resemble humans? It's a global phenomenon. In a mall in Osaka, Japan, three boys beat a humanoid robot with all their strength. In Moscow, a man attacked a teaching robot named Alantim with a baseball bat, kicking it to the ground, while the robot pleaded for help.
Why do we act this way?

Continued here

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TradeBriefs Editorial A tiny screw reveals why iPhones won't be 'assembled in USA'
Despite a trade war between the United States and China and past admonishments from President Donald Trump "to start building their damn computers and things in this country," Apple is unlikely to bring its manufacturing closer to home.
A tiny screw illustrates why.
In 2012, Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, went on prime-time television to announce that Apple would make a Mac computer in the United States. It would be the first Apple product in years to be manufactured by American workers, and the top-of-the-line Mac Pro would come with an unusual inscription: "Assembled in USA."

Continued here

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