Saturday, January 5, 2019

The most read stories this week

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A team of European researchers, commissioned by the World Health Organization pulled 56 individual studies into non-sugar sweeteners that involved nearly 14,000 people in total. The conclusion is that sugar substitutes are not healthier than real sugar.

Jio has become operationally profitable. But the real upside will be only when commerce and payments ride seamlessly on the telecom platform. That's when investors will get the real bang for their buck. And that's exactly what Mukesh Ambani intends to do in 2019.

In a 2014 interview, Jeff Bezos said, "We all have a limited amount of time, and where you spend it and how you spend it is just an incredibly levered way to think about the world. Where you spend your time and energy is one of the most important decisions you get to make in life." Dishing it up In the same interview, Bezos shared that he washed the dishes every night to please his wife. "I can see that [doing the dishes] actually makes her like me. It's a very odd thing. I'm pretty convinced it's the sexiest thing I do". One thing Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos have in common: They both do the dishes every night

With a new year ahead, many people are resolved to do more and better, to get ahead, and to muster the willpower that until now has eluded them. The good news is you can forget about willpower. Many psychologists no longer believe in it. The notion, rooted in the Victorian era and Judeo-Christian thinking about resisting sinful impulses, implies that we have a limited amount of energy that people of strong character use to fight temptation. This concept is now being replaced with a more nuanced view of how the brain operates.

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